
Original manga in 1 page(English) "Possibility of dream"

This is a 1 page manga in English of a student working towards hisdreams in a school where goal achievement rates are shown.

Manga edition

Original manga in 1 page(English) "Possibility of dream"

Movie edition

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"This school constantly calculates the possibilities that students achieve their goals based on their abilities and life circumstances." "Work hard to achieve your goals."
"I do my best and absolutely become the Prime Minister!"


"He-y, have you decided on your future goa-l?" "It's the Prime Ministe-r. My dad and granpa are ministe-rs." "Hu-h? You don't study hard at a-ll."

"It's hard to improve the possibility... But I keep working hard."


"He-y, show me your possibility to be the Pr-ime." "OK-."


(The possibility of achieving the goal : 100%)

"Mr. Pr-ime, take me to that restaurant agai-n." "OK-."
"You leave school? What about your dream of becoming the Prime Minister?" "Today, the entrance ceremony for the political school of the largest ruling party, ○○ Party was held."
"I felt like an idiot for working hard..." "Again, they are all children of wealthy people.I hope that young people struggling financially work harder..."